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In my efforts to create a positive shift through my work, I have had the honour to collaborate with and support several causes I resonate with.

Bellebouffe is a non-profit association working to sensitize people to food waste in Lyon, France. I am chiming in on projects requiring impact assessment, research design and illustration.
The Greener Good
The Greener Good is a non-profit association in Lyon, France geared to helping citizens make sustainable and eco-friendly choices. As a volunteer I have helped organize a neighbourhood eco-tour and lent my skills as a designer.
200 Million Artisans
200 Million Artisans is a non-profit association which was set up during the pandemic to assist craftspeople tide the resulting financial crisis. I supported the team in the capacity of designer and researcher.
Overlooked / Underheard
Overlooked / Underheard is a zine created by 9 amazing individuals, each taking on the notion of Race one page at a time. I organized and compiled this first volume on Race.
The Artivism Movement
2020 - present
An instagram page I created to support outspoken and resilient art that champions global causes.
Project Kish
Project Kish is an initiative that re-imagines how legal concepts can be better communicated to overcome literacy and language barriers. I helped them by creating a short illustrated information booklet to explain an insurance scheme.
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